


Governance @StableNode | Developer_DAO | Medical Student
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Stop Gating Your DAO

January 12
A common theme we see across DAOs is that only those with tokens have the right to contribute to the DAO. This creates a limited talent pool. DAOs can’t reach their true potential with a constant core team or members dictating the pace.

Watching the Screen, Controlling the Screen

January 04
The online entertainment industry has been rapidly growing, with a lower barrier to entry and more consumers than ever. From the first online stream in 1993, which happened to be a band of punk rock computer scientists that used up half of the available bandwidth of the entire internet, to teenagers of generation Z wishing to have youtube careers.  From the household names like Blockbuster or LoveFilm in the early 2010s, only to fizzle out to the next stars of on-demand entertainment, Netflix or Amazon Prime.

ELI5:Account Abstraction

November 24
I have been shut down by banks multiple times without a sufficient reason. Even when I ask for clarification… “Please read T\&Cs.” Thanks for that fabulous and precise insight, Steve.
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DAO Anatomy: Heart, Mind and Soul

July 31
Each act performed by our bodies is a never solitary act.
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You are what you earn

June 27
This post will explore the tokenization of communities and ‘X-to-earn’ of leading protocols such as Axie Infinity, StepN, and RabbitHole. In doing so, we will understand the culture of these protocols to identify what makes a sustainable and ideal x-to-earn protocol.

Exploring Quadratic Voting

June 17
One of my previous posts introduces quadratic voting in a more practical aspect. This piece will dive deeper into quadratic voting, acting more as a thought piece than a practical one.

An Introduction to Quadratic Voting

May 30
Quadratic voting is a method of collective voting which dictates the strength of a voter's feeling, depending on how many votes they allocate to a choice. It differs from the single-choice of voting; instead, you have x amount of votes to give out.

To Diversify or To Not Diversify

May 30
The core purpose of any DAO is longevity. For a DAO to continue functioning at a high level, it needs to handle its treasury in a manner that provides longevity. This is the role of treasury management.